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AIC 2016与港中旅展前联合新闻发布会圆满召开
AIC 2016 & HKCTS Joint Press Conference Successfully Held

2016年5月27-28日,AIC 2016与港中旅集团在北京南山房车小镇召开了一场别开生面的展前新闻发布会,主题为“感受房车露营特别之旅”,并借此拉开了6月AIC房车露营季的帷幕。本次发布会邀请到30多家行业及大众媒体,活动特别选址房车露营地,旨在让参会媒体与嘉宾在“两天一夜”的体验行程中,深入房车露营生活,亲身体验宿营乐趣,通过零距离接触,以真实的视角将房车这种新业态的旅行方式广为传播。

新闻发布会上,AIC 2016的精彩亮点向媒体全面公开。本届的招商工作已正式告捷,展会规模进一步扩大,新增两个展馆,使室内展馆达到8个,室外展览面积也达到近万平米,面积共计28,000平米,展商达到320家,涵盖房车整车、房车配件、露营地、户外休闲、旅游等多个产业的国内外知名品牌。更多》

On 27-28 May, a special pre-show press conference themed as “Camping in Caravan” was jointly held by AIC 2016 and HKCTS at CTS RV Park of Miyun Nanshan, which also kicked off the AIC Caravan Camping Season in June. The press conference invited more than 30 famous industry and mass media. The aim of choosing RV campsite as the venue is to enable the media to experience the true fun of “Two days/One night” caravan camping life in depth and promote the caravaning travel lifestyle from a genuine perspective.

AIC 2016 highlights and fabulous concurrent events were released during the press conference. The exhibitor recruitment has officially come to an end with satisfactory results. The scale is further expanded as two exhibition halls are newly added, which increases the number of indoor exhibition halls to 8. Total exhibition space reaches 28,000 square meters with 320 exhibitors participated, covering global brands in multiple industry sectors, including motor homes, caravans, caravan accessories, campsites, outdoor leisure products and travel destinations, etc. More>>.

请为AIC 2016中国房车文化传播大使投票!
Vote for 2016 AIC China Caravan Ambassador!

AIC 2016中国房车文化传播大使评选的微信投票已于5月23日启动。今年我们共有19位候选人参与角逐,驾驶房车涵盖了长城览众、北方旅居、上汽大通、中意、科斯、江铃、拓锐斯特、法美瑞、卫航、富士、JAYCO、速腾等多个AIC参展品牌。他们的房车旅行故事也各具特色,充满个性风采。请点击进入投票主页,阅读他们的故事,并为您欣赏的车友投上宝贵的一票!投票截止:2016年6月10日 中午12时

2016 AIC China Caravan Ambassador voting system has been opened on May 23, 2016. This year we have recruited 19 candidates. Their RVs covered several famous brands of AIC exhibitors, such as Livezone RV, North RV, Saic Maxus, Zhongyi, Cosmos, Iveco, Weihang, Family Automobile, Jiangling, JAYCO, I4WD, etc. Click here to learn more. (The voting system is in Chinese language only. If you want to learn more about this event, please send email to siliya.wang@mds.cn )

AIC 2016同期活动日程公布,哪个活动是你的菜?
AIC 2016 Concurrent Events Agenda Released

2016中国国际房车展览会(AIC 2016)的招展工作已正式告捷,可以肯定的是,到场观众一定会不虚此行,将看到比往年更多的车和相关零配件、户外休闲类产品。除了大饱眼福之外,现场可以参与哪些活动也是大家特别关心的问题。日前,主办方正式公布了同期活动的时间表,不论你是专业买家,还是大众群体,琳琅满目的活动中,总有一款适合你。

All in CARAVANING 2016 is in full wing at the moment! With larger scale this year, visitors would see more caravan, caravan parts and campgrounds brands this year. Meanwhile, numerous conferences and interesting events of various industry sectors will be held concurrently. Click here to find the detailed agenda>>

AIC特别呈献“父亲节·感恩季”活动:一场“房 + 车 + 露营”的盛大家庭Party
AIC to Present “Father’s Day·Gratitude Season” Special Family Program

6月19日,AIC 2016期间,恰逢父亲节。在这个节日里,AIC已经准备好了一场“房+车+露营”的盛大家庭Party,等着你和你的家庭成员们来参加!提前预登记参观AIC 2016,即可免费入场,参加这场盛大Party中的所有活动,并且有好礼相送!点击进入活动详情介绍,看看有哪些有趣的亲子活动等着你。

June 19, the second day of AIC 2016, is happened to be the Father’s Day. In this gratitude season, the organizer prepared a big family party for the kids. Interesting activities include RV Experience Tour, Caravan Handpaint Award, Write a Postcard to My Father, Children’s Drama Performance, and Carrera Racing Game… Learn more about the program, please send email to Daniel.tian@mds.cn.

AIC 2016即将开幕,快速预登记,免费便捷入场参观!
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Address: No.135 Xizhimenwai Avenue, Xicheng District, Beijing 100044 P.R. China
Click here to learn the traffic options by subway, bus or driving a car.

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张    拓 先生 Mr. Tetris Zhang
宗    蕊 小姐 Ms. Ivy Zong
缪斯杰 先生 Mr. Jay Miao
刘    璨 小姐 Ms. Queena Liu
Tel: 86-10-6590 7101 ext. 8617
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Tel: 86-24-2250 5105 ext. 8806
Email: tetris.zhang@mds.cn
Email: ivy.zong@mds.cn
Email: jay.miao@mds.cn
Email: queena.liu@mds.cn
主办单位  Orgnizers
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